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In the Margins...

Comments on the passing political and cultural scenes.

Location: United States

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What Have We Come To?

What have we come to that Democrats, liberals, progressives, the left wing of American politics are now the Keepers of American Morality (KAM)?

They would gladly abandon their country and give up their loved ones to save Khalid Sheik Mohanned from a scintilla of pain? Indeed, such Wonders of the Human Race are greater in their magnanimity than God himself. God may be dead to these people, but they certainly wallow in their self-righteousness. Even Maggie Gallagher, bless her soul, would give up her life, her family, sons and husband, so that not one terrorist would be tortured!

I can only say, “Save me from these people.” They represent the very misguided reasoning that leads to a denial of a basic American right - to be protected by the people in whom we vest our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. As a citizen who obeys the laws of this country, who pays his taxes, and votes his conscious, I have a right to be protected by whatever means necessary to guarantee my and my loved ones safety. A terrorist does not have a right to kill me - which incidentally is the ultimate torture.

I, for one, am for the powers who protect the people and defend the country using whatever means possible to assure that success. I know that my enemies have no qualms about using whatever methods to serve their purpose. They will, believe it or not, use my own self-doubt and whimsy against me.

If I cannot depend on my government, then should I “abandon all hope”? Or should I join the KAMs and accept death joyfully, knowing that as I perish at the hands of my enemies I have kept the faith?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Barack Obama - What He Himself Has Been Waiting For

Karl Rove, former Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush and now columnist to the Wall Street Journal and Newsweek, suggests that President Barack Obama is really just a product of Chicago-style politics. And it's not to difficult to see why.

Barack Obama is the One Americans and He Himself have been waiting for. But this longing for a savior or a redeemer is nothing new in American life. We have always been mesmerized by the outsider who promises salvation of one kind or another, who promises to salve our bodies, our psyches, or our souls - particularly in times of stress and turmoil.

He is the circuit-riding preacher who traveled the early frontier to bring salvation to the colonial settlers.

We are not going to get relief by turning back to the very same policies that for
the last eight years doubled the national debt and threw our economy into a tailspin.

He is the rainmaker who came to towns in the Midwest to encourage rain from clear skies.

We have to make hard choices to bring our deficit down.

He is the snake oil salesman who trundled in his wagon from gold-rush town to gold-rush town in the old West, promising, with a swig of his magic elixir, to cure our aches and pains, to increase our libido, and to extend our lives.

If your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes
increased a single dime.

He is the faith healer who can with the touch of his hands make the blind see and the lame walk.

Anyway, it was in there somewhere that he became the president. And it wasn't
just bearing or dignity, which he has by nature, it was more mysterious. He put
on the cloak.
- Peggy Noonan

He is today's televangelist who offers salvation from a distance through the 'personal touch' of modern technology.

We are not going to get relief by turning back to the very same policies that
for the last eight years doubled the national debt and threw our economy
into a tailspin.

He is the spiel man who promises to slice, dice, and puree all our concerns for the mere price of a theater ticket - only $19.95. But, wait, that's not all.

The only way to fully restore America's economic strength is to make the
long-term investments that will lead to new jobs, new industries, and a
renewed ability to compete with the rest of the world

He is the OprahMan who points us toward 'our better natures' as he accrues more obeisance to himself and his cronies and more of our wealth to his government.

The eyes of all people in all nations are once again upon us—watching to see what
we do with this moment; waiting for us to lead. Those of us gathered here tonight
have been called to govern in extraordinary times.

Take all of these together, however, and what you get something new entirely, for national politics, that is. What we have as our super hero is ChicagoMan - a mixture of words, image, false piety, and little substance.