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In the Margins...

Comments on the passing political and cultural scenes.

Location: United States

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Welcome to Chicago on the Potomac

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Now you are getting the feel for how it is to live in a city that rules a state, except now it is a city that runs the government of the nation. Corrupt, vile, dangerous to life and limb, its power is wielded by an amoral, machiavelian group of ill-prepared, self-serving nincompoops whose chief word-slinger is a man of just that - “words, just words.” And as we know, words are cheap.

Nothing that Obama has said or done is a mystery or unknown quality to those of us who have had to endure the politics of Chicago as the controlling influence in our state. The news media had ample opportunity to investigate and report on the background and temperament of this man and those who surround him, yet willfully neglected to do so.

Obama is a milquetoast of a man, willing to bend to those on whom he relies for support. In Chicago, he catered to the Daley machine and in Springfield to his mentors such as Emil Jones, and in Washington, he will go along with the Reids and the Pelosis. In other words, he won’t buck the machine or the powers that be.

He is a suit and a mouth. Get over the surprise at misjudging this man, for he is a man, for all that.


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