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In the Margins...

Comments on the passing political and cultural scenes.

Location: United States

Monday, June 25, 2007

Dear Fred, Rumors Abound That You...

Dear Fred,

Rumors abound that you plan to announce your candidacy for the Republican nominee for president of the United States sometime around the July 4 holiday. I hope you do. For the serious voter, there are no real options among the Democrat and Republican candidates for that esteemed office. By that, I mean there is no true American candidate among the lot. While I am conservative in outlook and politics, I, nevertheless, look at both parties' slate of candidates before I decide for whom to vote. I want my vote to count, to be sure, but I want to vote for the candidate who offers the most favorable program for the country as a whole. This election cycle I am in a quandary, for there is no candidate who appeals to me as an American candidate. How is this you may ask?

Well, Fred, when I look at the Democrat slate, I don't see the 'diversity' of American society as some do; I see the divisiveness of our politics and our culture. What do we have here as possible presidents of the United States? We have one of everything, each contending for its own share of the vote. We have Barack Obama, the African American; Bill Richardson, the Latino American; Hillary Clinton, the Feminist American; and, Dennis Kucinich, the Wacko American.

Obama insists we not vote for him because he's black but because he has the best program, yet he travels to Selma to prove his bona fides to the old guard civil rights leaders, and strokes the ego of neo-segregationist Al Sharpton. He wants to be the first African-American president. Hillary wants our vote because she has the most presidential experience, yet she travels to Selma to profess her 'oppressed' birthright, and actively seeks the votes of women. Just last week she threw her pitch at minority women. She wants to be the first Female-American president. Bill Richardson, as inept as a candidate can be, nevertheless is seeking our vote while he openly admits his search for Latin favor. He wants to be the first Hispanic-American president. Then there's Dennis Kucinich. To vote for a candidate because he or she would be the "first" would be self-defeating on my part. Thus you see, Fred, my choices from the Democrat side are racial, ethnic, gender or psychic - more divisive than diverse, more distinctive than inclusive. None of these are acceptable to a voter who sees himself as American, white, male, middle class, overtaxed, under-insured, and a scapegoat for the ills of our society.

Okay, you may ask, what about the Republicans? Don't they offer you an acceptable option? Not really, Fred, just more of the same - Democrat-lite, and the more potential for being the "first”: Rudy Giuliani, the first Italian-American president; Mitt Romney, the first Mormon-American president, and John McCain, the first Maverick-American president. Let's be honest, Fred, a "liberal" Republican is nothing more than a low-end Democrat. Both Giuliani and Romney have dropped their liberal leanings because it's the politically expedient thing to do, not out of any epiphany. These guys are first and foremost politicians. Now John McCain is a politician, too. He is not a "maverick" as some wish to label him; he's a man seeking to hold on to his constituency by trying to please everybody - in other words he has no innate conservative philosophy. As a matter of fact, neither do Rudy and Mitt.

I'm hoping, Fred, that you can offer me and those with similar feelings a real choice in the coming primaries and elections. I want to vote for an unhyphenated American, a man/woman who thinks the United States is still worth fighting tooth and nail for, a politician who knows the proposed amnesty legislation will produce immediate and profound damaging results to this nation that cannot be mitigated or undone. I would gladly vote for a candidate who .... , but, Fred, I could go on with a litany of the obvious. Fair to say, I want an American candidate, unencumbered by hyphenation, who wants to preserve the unity and sanctity of the United States of America envisioned in the Constitution.

Given what I've read about you and from you thus far, you can be the man I'm looking for. For all our sakes, Fred, do what is right.

Respectfully, your most enthusiastic "Fredhead,"

William H. Driver
Average American


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